Supernatural Unity Under the Headship of Christ - DOC Clip

If we will allow God to teach us His word through the Holy Spirit, we as believers in Christ will come into the same understanding concerning what Jesus taught and be united under His headship and His alone. This is a unity brought directly by God Himself and not through the authority or headship of some man. The only man we submit to is the man Christ Jesus, and His words are the only doctrine we ought to speak. 

If we seek Christ's words in humility and in the fear of God, and detach ourselves from manmade theological systems and traditions, we can unite under the pure headship and authority of Jesus Christ and be as one body which we are meant to be. We are not supposed to be scattered through various denominations and unbiblical traditions. 

This clip is taken from the DOC season 8 episode 16, "Supernatural Unity" with David Carrico and Jimmy Cooper. Here's the link to the full video which I highly recommend:

"The teaching that is gifted by the Holy Ghost will take you back to what Christ said and it will bring a supernatural unity... The real teaching and ministerial gifts will point back to Christ till all come in the unity of the faith." 
