Fellowship Questions

Here are some questions you can use for a more engaging and deep fellowship with beloved family in Christ. I categorized the questions so it would be easier for you to find what you want or need. I hope it blesses you!


·       What kind of people do you think you could witness to most deeply or effectively based on the knowledge and experience God has given you?

·       What strengths has God granted you? (e.g. spiritual strengths, social)

·       How do you make life in this present world as much like home as you can? (Like how Joseph in Egypt named his sons Hebrew names instead of Egyptian, reminding him of his family)

·       What are ways that you honor your parents?


·       What was the first testimony of someone coming to Christ that you ever heard?

·       What major fears has Christ delivered you from?

·       What are some things that God is using in your life to teach you patience?

·       What are some supernatural things that have happened to you or that you have witnessed and know it was from God?

·       What people (or things you heard) drew you closer to God and the Bible before you officially gave your life to Christ?

·       What were some of the strongest attacks you endured when you first believed in Christ?

·       Which scriptures can you recall convicted you the most when you came to Christ?

·       Who was the first person you shared your testimony with?

·       In what ways do you see God teaching you how to be a little child?

·       What is something that taught you the fear of God?

·       In what ways has God been teaching you how to use the authority you have in Christ to fight darkness?

·       What is a major lesson that God has taught you lately? Or at any point in your walk so far.

·       In what ‘facing the unknown’ type of situations has God called you to trust Him in?

·       How is God encouraging you lately?

Personal Opinion & Thoughts

·       What parable of Christ stands out to you the most and why?

·       What are some things that surprised you when you first read the Bible?

·       What things in God’s creation (nature) are the most stunning to you?

·       When you go to be present with the Lord, what is the first thing you would ask Him?

·       What things in the Bible do you think are underemphasized or too often ignored by people? (Namely in the church, as a whole)

·       What people in the Bible do you admire the most other than Christ and why?

·       What do you think God is doing or teaching you when He is quiet for a season? (A sister in Christ once pointed out to me that the teacher is always quiet during the test. Just a thought!)

·       What do you think about there being so many denominations in Christianity?

·       What are some of your favorite books in the Bible and why?

·       Do you think it’s harder to be a leader or someone who must submit?

·       Why do you think mankind has always sought to be his own god rather than submit to the one true God?

·       Who is a person in the Bible that you relate to? 

Scripture Specific

·       (2 Corinthians 12:9) What are your greatest weaknesses where Christ’s strength will be made perfect in you?

·       What do you think it means to walk by faith and not by sight? And what are some examples of that in your life?

·       (Colossians 3:1-3) In what ways do you set your affections on things above and not on the earth?
